Guide to Information

Our Guide to Information, available through the Model Publication Scheme, has been developed to:

  • allow the public to see what information is available (and what is not available) for Grampian Housing Association in relation to each class in the Model Publication Scheme 2018
  • state what charges may be applied 
  • explain how you can find the information easily
  • provide contact details for enquiries and to get help with access to the information 
  • explain how to request information that we hold which has not been published

Download our Guide to Information

Availability and formats

The information we publish through the model scheme is, wherever possible, available on our website. We offer alternative arrangements for people who do not want to, or cannot, access the information online or by inspection at our premises.  For example, we can usually arrange to send information to you in paper copy (although there may be a charge for this).

Exemption information

We will publish the information we hold that falls within the classes of information below.  If a document contains information that is exempt under Scotland's freedom of information laws (for example sensitive personal information or confidential business information), we will remove or 'black out' the information before publication and explain why.

Classes of Information

We publish all the information that we hold within the following classes. Once information is published under a class we will continue to make it available for the current and previous two financial years.

Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available. If you would like to see previous versions, you may make a request to us for that information.


Where Grampian holds the copyright in its published information, the information may be copied or reproduced without formal permission, provided that:

it is copied or reproduced accurately;

it is not used in a misleading context; and

the source of the material is identified.

Where Grampian does not hold the copyright in information we publish, we will make this clear.


This section explains when we may make a charge for our publications and how any charge will be calculated.  There is no charge to view information on our website or at our offices.

We may charge for providing information to you, but we will charge you no more than it actually costs us to do so. We will always tell you what the cost is before providing the information to you.




Print in black and white
5p per A4 sheet
Print in colour
10p per A4 sheet
CD Rom

Postage costs will be recharged at the rate we paid to send the information to you.  Our charge is for sending information by Royal Mail Second Class.

Contact us

Communications, Grampian Housing Association, 74 Huntly Street, Aberdeen AB10 1TD
T: 01224 202900 | E:

The classes of information that we publish

  • Class 1: About the Grampian Housing
  • Class 2: How we deliver our functions and services
  • Class 3: How we take decisions and what we have decided
  • Class 4: What we spend and how we spend it
  • Class 5: How we manage our human, physical and information resources
  • Class 6: How we procure goods and services from external providers
  • Class 7: How we are performing
  • Class 8: Our commercial publications
  • Class 9: Our open data

To explore the information published under each information class, please click here to visit our publication scheme.