ASSIST (Housing Support Project)

Our Housing Support Workers will work with you to create a support plan to help with issues that are affecting you and your tenancy.

Areas of support could include:

  • Becoming a new tenant
  • Maintaining your tenancy
  • Household maintenance/hoarding
  • Health issues
  • Employment/training and more

The service is registered with the Care Inspectorate.  Click on logo for more information.      Care Inspectorate Logo

Click here to read the Duty of Candour Annual Report 2023/24.


SMART (Money Advice Project)

Our SMART money advice project offers FREE, impartial and confidentail money advice for tenants.

This ranges from:

  • Checking benefit/grant entitlement
  • Managing your money
  • Debt counselling
  • Applying for benefits
  • Budgeting Advice

If the increasing costs of living and energy are causing you concern contact the team to see if any grants or support are available for you.

Energy Advice

Energy Advice Project

Our Energy Advisor can:

  • Provide advice on how to reduce your fuel bills
  • Assist with fuel debt
  • Answer questions about your central heating system:
    • whether you are looking for techical help or;
    • want to make sure you are using it efficiently

Contact the Support Services Team

If you feel you need the assistance of our Support Services Team you can contact us:

T: 01224 202934