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New GHA Chair and Vice Chair Announced

At our 50th Annual General Meeting, members of Grampian Housing Association (GHA) welcomed hearing it had been another successful year.  Achievements in performance improvements and new initiatives in service delivery as well as a solid financial position were reported.

Following the AGM, Jim Cargill was elected by the Board as the new Chair of Grampian Housing Association, while Ritchie Johnson takes over as Vice Chair.

Jim Cargill has been a Board Member since 2018 and became the Association's Vice Chair one year later.  He is Chief Executive of PlanSea Solutions Ltd, a local technology company deploying artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve cost and emission reductions in the marine logistics sector.  Jim has over 40 years experience in the oil and gas industry.  He also served two three-year terms on the Board of Motrose Port Authority.

Ritchie Johnson has been on Grampian's Board for three years.  Previously Director of Business Services at Aberdeenshire Council, he has worked in Social Housing for 25 years.  His experience includes leading a number of other Council services too, including social work, various corporate services and education.  He also serves on the Board of NHS Grampian.

Jim Cargill, GHA ChairCommenting on his election, Jim Cargill said "I believe that the provision of affordable housing is key to the health and wellbeing of our communities.

"Having served five years as Vice Chairman I feel I am well positioned to embrace this opportunity to become Chairman.

I am confident my extensive experience in business development roles can support the Association to deliver its strategic objectives for the benefit of tenants and customers."

Ritchie Johnson, GHA Vice ChairRitchie Johnson said "I have a long standing commitment to housing and all the services and values that can bring to people's lives.

"This aligns well with Grampian's vision of being recognised as a great customer focussed social landlord.

"Using my experience and well-established local relationshipsI am looking forward to supporting Jim in driving Grampian's strategic direction forward." 

Thanks and appreciation were expressed to Dr Abhi Agarwal who had completed his five year tenure as Chair.  The Scottish Housing Regulator will welcome Abhi as a new Board Member, appointed by Scottish Ministers, from 1 October 2024.

Craig Stirrat, GHA CEO, presenting outgoing GHA Chair Abhi Agarwal with a gift

Craig Stirrat, Chief Executive of Grampian Housing Association, congratulated Jim and Ritchie on their election and said "These new appointments come at a time when we are focussed on delivering The Grampian Deal , our new customer experience initiative.

"This ensures at feedback from our tenants drives service improvements and delivers on our commitment to digital participation or those ho want to be able to access services in this way."

Members recieveing the Annual Review at the AGM heard about the Association's successes in: practical help for tenants through its money advice, housing support and energy advice projects; launch of a new tenant and customer portal providing 24/7 access to services; building new homes for social rent at locations in Aberdeenshire and Moray; energy efficiency, including a zero carbon heating project and the launch of GOALS, a new centre of excellence for learning and development with opportunities for colleagues and tenants alike.

The annual accounts were also presented and provided insights into the Association's financial standing at year-end with stable cash balances, reassuring members of it's fiscal robustness.

The Association's priorities are informed by The Scottish Government's Housing to 2040 vision and the Association is commited to creating a more sustainable and resilient future.

 The challenges facing the Association in achieveing this are balancing the need to continue to support tenants with the cost of living crisis whilst maintaining and improving the standards of tenants' homes, providing high quality services and delivering value for money by keeping rents affordable.  The Association also wants to continue to grow through its new build programme.

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