Comments, Complaints and Compliments

Comments, Complaints and Compliments

Grampian Housing Association and its subsidiary, Kirkgate Developments, are committed to providing a first class service and useful information to all customers in a responsible and courteous manner. 

We strive to continually improve the service we provide and that is why it is important that you tell us if something goes wrong. It may be that you are dissatisfied with a particular service or maybe you are pleased with the service but think it could be even better. If you have a thought or experience that you would like to share with us then we would like to hear about it. In return we will let you know what we have learned and the changes we have made as a result of your feedback.

Make a Comment, Complaint or Compliment

Make a Comment, Complaint or Compliment

If there is any aspect of the services we provide that you would like to comment on or to make a complaint or give a compliment please login to MyHome (customer portal). 

If you are not already registered you will need your tenancy reference number (which you will find on any correspondence from us).

The following information is provided to assist you in making a complaint:-

Complaints Procedure Leaflet

Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy 

Older man seriously concerned sitting at computer

Complaints & Serious Concerns

What is a serious concern

When the Association:

  • has acted in a way which puts tenants’ interests at risk and this affects, or could affect, a group of tenants or all tenants; or
  • repeatedly fails to achieve outcomes in the Social Housing Charter or outcomes agreed with tenants; or
  • has not reported its performance annually to its tenants or has reported it inaccurately; or
  • does not meet our standards for how an RSL should govern itself and manage its finances; or
  • has not met any targets we have set it.

Examples of a serious concern (please note these examples are not exhaustive) 

When the Association:

  • fails to consult with tenants on a rent increase; or
  • regularly fails to do gas safety checks when it should; or
  • regularly does not do repairs when it should; or
  • does not allow tenants to apply for another house; or
  • does not respond formally to complaints.

Serious concerns of this nature are considered to be a Significant Performance Failures (SPF) under the 2010 Act.

For further information and to report a serious concern please read the Scottish Housing Regulator's factsheet for tenants about Complaints and Serious Concerns.

SHR Complaints & Serious Concerns Factsheet

When a service failure affects only one tenant or a small number of tenants this will be dealt with as a complaint.